رمزي الغزوي

أديب وإعلامي أردني يعمل كاتب عمود صحفي في جريدة الدستور الأردنية. له 24 مؤلفا في شتى أصناف الأدب.حائز على جوائز دولية ومحلية.يسعى نحو كل حق وخير وجمال

Current Projects

Explore Ramzi's latest literary and media endeavors here.

A man is sitting on a green surface, reading content on a smartphone. The text on the phone's screen is in Arabic script.
A man is sitting on a green surface, reading content on a smartphone. The text on the phone's screen is in Arabic script.
Literary Works

Discover poetry, stories, and children's literature by Ramzi.

A person wearing a patterned flat cap and a white shirt sits in front of a detailed woven rug or tapestry. They hold a newspaper with Arabic text, appearing relaxed and slightly smiling.
A person wearing a patterned flat cap and a white shirt sits in front of a detailed woven rug or tapestry. They hold a newspaper with Arabic text, appearing relaxed and slightly smiling.
A man in a red shirt and black cap is holding a newspaper. The newspaper features an image of another man and various headlines in Arabic. The man holding the newspaper is smiling broadly. A person in the background wears a face mask, and there are trees visible in the distance.
A man in a red shirt and black cap is holding a newspaper. The newspaper features an image of another man and various headlines in Arabic. The man holding the newspaper is smiling broadly. A person in the background wears a face mask, and there are trees visible in the distance.
A person in a black hijab is sitting and reading a magazine in a room with a rustic gray wall and wooden shelving. The shelving holds brown paper bags labeled 'Raketna'. The seating consists of wooden chairs with white tiles visible on the lower part of the wall.
A person in a black hijab is sitting and reading a magazine in a room with a rustic gray wall and wooden shelving. The shelving holds brown paper bags labeled 'Raketna'. The seating consists of wooden chairs with white tiles visible on the lower part of the wall.
Media Appearances

Catch up on Ramzi's latest interviews and discussions.

Work Experience

Explore Ramzi Al-Ghazwi's extensive background in writing, journalism, and media, showcasing his contributions and achievements in the literary world.


Professional Journey Overview

Discover Ramzi's impactful projects and media engagements throughout his career.

A person wearing traditional attire, including a white headscarf and glasses, is holding a microphone and reading from a tablet or notebook. They are standing in a conference-like setting with a name tag and a small Saudi Arabian flag visible on the table nearby.
A person wearing traditional attire, including a white headscarf and glasses, is holding a microphone and reading from a tablet or notebook. They are standing in a conference-like setting with a name tag and a small Saudi Arabian flag visible on the table nearby.
Literary Contributions

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About Ramzi Al-Ghazwi

Discover the literary journey of Ramzi Al-Ghazwi, a distinguished Jordanian writer and media personality, through his portfolio showcasing works, insights, and engaging content.

A person wearing a red and white keffiyeh and white clothing is seated at a round table, holding a smartphone. In front of them is an open laptop and a document placed inside a folder with a pen resting on top. A potted plant is also on the table, indicating a business or office setting.
A person wearing a red and white keffiyeh and white clothing is seated at a round table, holding a smartphone. In front of them is an open laptop and a document placed inside a folder with a pen resting on top. A potted plant is also on the table, indicating a business or office setting.



Award-winning author

Media personality

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A man wearing a white shirt is standing indoors, reading a book. Next to him is a metal rack displaying various books and magazines, with an Arabic sign on top. The setting appears to be a cultural or educational event, as suggested by the material on the rack.
A man wearing a white shirt is standing indoors, reading a book. Next to him is a metal rack displaying various books and magazines, with an Arabic sign on top. The setting appears to be a cultural or educational event, as suggested by the material on the rack.

Connect with Ramzi Al-Ghazwi for inquiries, collaborations, or to share your thoughts and feedback.